@phdthesis{digilib54392, month = {August}, title = {PERBANDINGAN LAJU SERAP DAN KARAKTERISASI MATERIAL KARBON AKTIF KOPI LAMPUNG DAN KULIT PISANG TERHADAP GAS BENZENA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR MQ-135}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 15620005 Linda Septiana}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: r. Widayanti, S.Si., M.Si}, keywords = {Benzena, Kopi Lampung, Kulit Pisang, Sensor MQ-135.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/54392/}, abstract = {Indonesia is acountry with a tropical climate where coffee and banana plants can grow and develop very well. The coffee and banana plants can be used as absorbent or gas absorbers that interfere with environment, one of which is the smell of gaoline. Gasoline is aderivative of benzene compound . The purpose of this study was to make activated carbon from lampung Coffee and banana skin as a benzene adsorbent, to analyze the characterisric of the functional gorup of the adsorbent material adn to determine the absorption rate of the activated carbon material againts benzene. In the manufavture of activated carbon using two activations methode, namely chemical activation by giving 1 M HCl as an activator and physical method by heating at 200oC. While the absorption method used is the batch method using the MQ-135 sensor with benzene adsorbent. The result of the FTIR test on lampung coffee actiavated carbon showed the C-O functional group which indicated that activated carbon was polar, which mean that there was an absorption of benzene. While on banana skin actvated carbon there is a shift in functional group formed, namely the C-H, O-H and C=C functional groups. The absorption rate obtained from the use of Lampung coffee activated carbon against benzene is 1x10-6ppm/s while the value of the absorption of banana skin is 3x10-8ppm/s.} }