%A NIM.: 18107030040 Nida Ayu Salsabila %O Pembimbing: Dr. Diah Ajeng Purwani, S.Sos., M.Si %T STRATEGI CYBER PUBLIC RELATIONS KANTOR POS YOGYAKARTA MELALUI PROGRAM ‘AKHLAK ACTIVATION’ %X The speed of the technology world demands public relations to move in the digital world. The existence of the internet supports innovation in public relations practices at Yogyakarta Post Office. This study aims to analyze cyber public relations strategies through the AKHLAK program to build rapport with the public for the creating corporate relations, reputation, and relevance. This study used qualitative methods by describing data collected through interviews with Kantor Pos Yogyakarta staff, observations, and documentation. The study result shows that using social media, online publications, and online communities is a strategic step for the Yogyakarta Post Office in implementing cyber public relations practices through the disseminating of informative content. The existence of a special division of public relations in the function of the assembly has a significant significance because the management of cyber public relations activities requires special expertise. The concept of two-way communication with the public was also emphasized to form relationships, reputations, and relevance for the Yogyakarta Post Office to survive in the digital age. %K publikasi online; komunitas online; cyber public relations; social media %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54443