%A NIM.: 19206050014 Eko Jhony Pranata %O Pembimbing: Ir. Muhammad Taufiq Nuruzzaman, S.T. M.Eng., Ph.D. %T OPTIMASI KEAMANAN INFORMASI DENGAN SECURITY INFORMATION AND EVENT MANAGEMENT (SIEM) MANAGEENGINE OPMANAGER (STUDI KASUS: IBISA PURWOREJO) %X Attacks that occur on networks are very common nowadays, with more and more ways to access data and of course more and more technologies are used to increase threats to network security. The government as a regulator publishes the Information Security Management System (SMKI) and the Information Security Index (KAMI) as information security measures for regional institutions and agencies. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a security technology to protect information assets. In this case, SIEM using ManageEngine OpManager is expected to provide optimization to support the Information Security process in order to increase the value of the KAMI Index standard on the IBISA network. The research method includes a literature study, then pre-Assessment of the US index, after that implementing the ManageEngine OpManager infrastructure, then monitoring the Information Security Index using technology on ManageEngine OpManager, and conducting Post-Assessment of the KAMI Index, then this final stage is Analyze the monitoring results and compare the results of monitoring the network conditions before and after the implementation of ManageEngine OpManager. It was found that the use of SIEM by using ManageEngine OpManager for monitoring has been proven to increase the value of the KAMI Index on Information Technology and Security Aspects. Apart from that, there was also an increase in aspects of Governance, Asset Management. From the evaluation results that have been obtained, it shows that the Purworejo IBISA network needs improvements and also improvements. where the results are in accordance with the actual data and can be used to help improve the Purworejo IBISA network Based on the KAMI Index. And also, the implementation of the KAMI Index using ManageEngine OpManager which has been proven to increase the value of the information security index (KAMI) of the IBISA Purworejo network in various aspects, while this increase is due to the ability of ManageEngine OpManager to analyze weaknesses and changes in Information Asset Allocation in the IBISA Purworejo Network. %K SIEM, Indeks KAMI, Keamanan Informasi, ManageEngine OpManager %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54447