%A NIM.: 18103040108 Lailatul Akmalanishfah %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Agus Moh. Najib, S.Ag., M.Ag. %T AKIBAT PERNIKAHAN DINI TERHADAP TINGKAT PERCERAIAN DI PENGADILAN AGAMA SLEMAN TAHUN 2020 %X Currently, teenagers are faced with the problem of many teenagers who want to build a household by doing early marriage. Without the mental readiness of the perpetrators of early marriage, it can have an impact on domestic life by ending in divorce. Based on the author's observations from data and archives, the divorce rate at the Sleman Religious Court in 2020 was the highest compared to divorce in the Yogyakarta regional court. From the explanation above, author is interesting to examine more deeply the consequences of early marriage on the divorce rate in the Sleman court in 2020, with the formulation of the problem, namely: What are the factors that affect the divorce of early marriage couples in the Sleman Religious Court and what are the consequences of early marriage on the divorce rate in the Sleman court in 2020. This type of research is field research, and the nature of the research is descriptiveanalytic. The data collection technique studied used the interview and documentation method. The approach to the problem in this research is empirical juridical. The data analysis used prescriptive and descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on this research, the researcher concludes is; First, basically the occurrence of divorce in early marriage couples in the jurisdiction of the Sleman Religious Court because it is influenced by several factors, including the Dispute Factor and continuous fighting, the Irresponsible Factor, the Affair Factor, and the Domestic Violence Factor. Second, from the cases that have been handled in the Sleman religious court, it can be concluded that getting married at an age is very vulnerable to divorce. Early marriage can affect divorce but is not dominant. In general, divorce in early marriage couples is due to their emotional instability, resulting in disputes. %K Pernikahan Dini, Perceraian, Pengadilan Agama Sleman %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54498