%A NIM.: 18103070042 Syaifana Adilla Ali %O Pembimbing: Dr. H.M. Nur, S. Ag., M.Ag. %T STAF KHUSUS MILENIAL PRESIDEN PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM %X The 2012 press no.17 noted that carrying out his duties was also assisted by the President's special staff. In the second period of President Joko Widodo (2019-2024), appointed a new special staff of 7 (seven) through President Number 75 / m in 2019 on the appointment of a special staff of the President to be elected representatives of the successive generations in his field. The millennials were born in the 1980-2000 year round. It is hoped that a millennial special staff will be able to develop innovations in various areas of government with creative ideas and out of the box. However, after the inauguration of the publication, the decision has raised various issues of interest, and after a year of inducement, it still has not seen the results of a significant performance by the conventional staff, whereas in one month, the seven special staff received a salary of $51 million, which would add to the state's expenditure on matters still unclear to the public. In this study, the writer uses library (library) types of research. The nature of this research is theoretical analysis or that analytical activity is done in order to ensure that theories are used as the analysis knife to dissect a matter in research was correct scientifically. The study adopted a normative juridical approach and use three types of data sources, namely primary data sources, secondary data and tertiary data. To analyze data, the author uses analysis techniques content analysis is for fully understanding the subject were studied and themes on qualitative data obtained relating to staff formation especially the President and his views legitimately legitimate word siyāsah syar‟iyyah, maṣlaḥah mursalah fallible and theoretical efficiency in good governance of Islam. Based on the analysis of this research, the goals to be achieved in the development of a millennium special staff are for the common good, and they follow the legal syar 'iyyah principles, the ma elections la governance principle and the good governance principle. However, the objective of this so-called staff of the President was inadequate, for not all of the seven millennial specials had experience in government, despite their seven achievers, but the achievements were irrelevant to its duties asa millennial special staff, and they were potentially damaging to the state. %K Staf Khusus Milenial Presiden, SiyAsah Syar‟Iyyah, Maṣlaḥah Mursalah, Good Governance Islam %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54536