relation: title: KRITIK BUDAYA KONSUMEN PADA NILAI TANDA DALAM IKLAN KOMERSIL (ANALISIS SEMIOTIK PADA MOBIL, KAMERA DSLR, DAN SEPEDA FIXIE DALAM IKLAN TELEVISI MIZONE VERSI UR FLAVA) creator: Wendy Lesmana, NIM.: 09730035 subject: Komunikasi Budaya subject: Komunikasi Sosial description: This study raised the title of Consumer Culture Criticism In Commercial Ad, through a qualitative approach.Objects in this study is a television commercial Mizone Ur Flava version that aired on private television Indonesia in 2011. The theory used in this study, using the framework of semiotic theories of Roland Barthes.The signs were there in television advertising Mizone Ur Flava version analyzed into denotative and connotative meanings.Furthermore, from an existing meaning, both denotative and connotative, look for whether there is a meaning that contains criticism of consumer culture in it.In addition, this study also to capturing the meaning of advertising Mizone Ur Flava version. Result of this research found that, in television advertisement of Mizone version there are meaning of denotative and of conotative. Mean denotative more to function of beverage product of Mizone Ur Flava. Through sign of verbal and non verbal, there are meaning of denotative that Mizone is functioning beverage health to return body energi, mind and spirit of becoming fresh return, after all day long actifities. While meanings of conotative that Mizone is beverage which distinguishing social status of middle-weight of, fuction have education, youngster which associate with in submitting implicitly, passing marking of verbal and also non verbal in television advertisement of Mizone version of Ur Flava. In addition, television advertisingMizoneUrFlavaversioncontainsacritique ofconsumerculture. Criticalis packagedthroughthe use ofnon-verbal signs, whichareinsomeexistingscenein its advertising. Criticalwas aimed at theconsumersignsavailable in the car, dslrcamera, andfixiebikes. Thecriticalhave purpose atrestoringconsumer awarenessin orderto be moreconcerned withthe valueofthe sign valuecontained inanitemthatis consumed, especially toyoung peoplewhoare stuckin the officer lifestyle date: 2013-05-21 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Wendy Lesmana, NIM.: 09730035 (2013) KRITIK BUDAYA KONSUMEN PADA NILAI TANDA DALAM IKLAN KOMERSIL (ANALISIS SEMIOTIK PADA MOBIL, KAMERA DSLR, DAN SEPEDA FIXIE DALAM IKLAN TELEVISI MIZONE VERSI UR FLAVA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.