%A NIM.: 08650083 Sri Gustiani %O Pembimbing: Shofwatul ‘Uyun, M.Kom. %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN MENU MAKANAN YANG TEPAT PADA PROGRAM DIET BAGI PENDERITA DIABETES MELITUS DENGAN METODE TOPSIS %X Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease where the body of a person is not able to produce more insulin in an amount sufficient to convert the sugars or carbohydrates consumed into energy. DM can be prevented by proper selection of diet and physical activity to be offset by uncontrolled blood sugar levels in the patients body. Lack of patient knowledge about the information menu on the consumption of foods to suit the needs of the body can adversely affect the patient. To assist patients in choosing the right diet is required for the selection of decision support systems for diabetics food menu. The method used in the construction of this system is the method of Reference Technique For Others By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). This method is used because this method has a simple concept and easy to understand, computationally efficient and has the ability to measure the relative performance of decision alternatives in a simple mathematical form. Inputs a value system of four criteria: calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat as well as alternative input in the form of menus the nutritional content of food has been considered by nutritionists. While its output of the five dietary recommendations are made based on the final ranking of the highest weighting. From the experimental results and system test cases are performed, can be seen that the calculation of this system together with the results that have been done manually by a nutritionist. The next, changes in the diet will affect the final value of the weighting, so that the recommendations generated food menu can change while remaining eligible consumption for patients with DM. Overall, the system is built to provide recommendations to the patient or a nutritionist in the appropriate menu selection for patients with DM. %K Technique For Others Reference By Similarity To Ideal Solution, Topsis, Perankingan, Diabetes Melitus, Menu Makanan, Kalori %D 2012 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54642