%A NIM.: 18103080045 Fina Novitasari %O Pembimbing: A Hashfi Luthfi, M.H. %T PERJANJIAN KEMITRAAN ANTARA PT. SHOPEE INTERNASIONAL INDONESIA DENGAN MITRA PENGEMUDI PADA LAYANAN SHOPEEFOOD DI YOGYAKARTA (STUDI KOMPARASI HUKUM POSITIF DAN HUKUM ISLAM) %X PT. Shopee Internasional Indonesia or "Shopee" is a technology company that provides places and services for ordering shopee products ranging from fashion to daily necessities that are present in the form of a mobile marketplace, so it can be said to be an e-commerce company. With its vision of "becoming the number 1 (one) mobile marketplace in Indonesia", Shopee added an application feature in the form of a food/beverage delivery service called ShopeeFood. In the midst of preparing for service expansion, Shopee has recruited Driver Partner after announcing the laws, requirements, and code of ethics to join ShopeeFood's Driver Partner. Not long after Shopee presented a new feature called Shopee Xpress Instant or SPX Non-Standard which was run in one Driver Partner application. Thus, changing the terms of service that are made into a valid and legally binding agreement. This type of research is field research and is supported by library research with a juridical-empirical approach and a syar'i approach. While the data analysis method used is descriptive analytical. In the method of collecting data, researcher use the methods of interviewing, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the partnership agreement or syirkah agreement on ShopeeFood services in Yogyakarta was stated in the form of an electronic contract containing a standard agreement. Using a profit sharing system with a profit percentage of 80% of the Driver Partner and 20% of the Applicator. However, in the loss, it is the full responsibility of the Driver Partner. A frequent obstacle is the unilateral suspension and termination of the partnership, either due to intentional or unintentional violations of the code of conduct. The condition certainly removes the essence of the principles of balance (tawāzun) and justice ('adl). According to positive law, the practice of partnership agreements is based on the provisions of the Civil Code (KUH Perdata), because the laws and regulations have not fully accommodated specifically regarding delivery service partnership agreements. The agreement is considered valid because it meets the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Meanwhile, according to Islamic law, shopeefood service partnership agreement in Yogyakarta is called syirkah 'ina>n contract according to the scholars of the Hanbali, Hanafi and Maliki schools. The syirkah 'ina>n is considered valid, because it has fulfilled the pillars and conditions of syirkah. Nevertheless it still forgets the main principle of musya>rakah in terms of the proportion of losses. This arises due to the exoneration clause in the Term of Service of the ShopeeFood Driver Application. In general, the difference between the two also lies in the principle of partnership (positive law) or syirkah (Islamic law). %K wanprestasi; Islamic law; partnership agreement; positive law; syirkah contract %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54742