%A NIM.: 17106090021 Laily Nur Noviana Suratno %O Pembimbing : Dr. Murtono, M.Si %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN REMEDIAL UNTUK PENINGKATAN KETUNTASAN BELAJAR PADA MATERI USAHA DAN ENERGI SMP/MTS KELAS VIII %X This study aims to 1) Generate remedial modules on work done and energy materials for students 2) Know the quality of modules on work done and energy materials for students 3) Know student's responses to remedial modules 4) Know the amount of improvement in mastery learning. This research is an R&D research with the development model used in the design using a 3-D model. The development model consists of the following stages: Define, Design, and Develop which was adapted from the development of the 4-D model set (four D model) developed by Thiagarajan. The data obtained in this study are qualitative data obtained from comments and suggestions from validators (material experts and media experts). Meanwhile, quantitative data are obtained from students' responses to the learning module, the score before remedial and the score of increasing learning achievement after using the remedial module. The trial test was conducted on a limited trial test consisting of 6 students and a trial test of 21 students broadly. The research result is developed in the form of remedial modules on work done and energy materials. The quality of the Remedial Module according to material experts, and media experts has good quality. Based on field trials, the average post-test result was 91. This means that the remedial module can increase student learning outcomes with a standard gain score of 0,8. %K Development Research; 3-D model; Remedial Learning %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54823