%A NIM.: 07650008 Nur Annisa Tresnasari %O Pembimbing: Agung Fatwanto, Ph. D %T IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PENJAMINAN MUTU PADA ORGANISASI PENGEMBANG PERANGKAT LUNAK SKALA KECIL (STUDI KASUS : PKSI UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA) %X To answer the challenge of competition, software development organizations must continually improve their performance, one of them is by implementing quality assurance. However, the constraints resource with the height of demands is an irony that characterizes a small-scale software development organization. While the existing models of quality assurance are just too complicated and entail a relatively large cost. That’s why so far the implementation of quality assurance has never been a priority for the small-scale software development organizations because of the difficulties of it’s implementation. This research wanted to know how to implement a quality assurance model in a small-scale software development organization. Tha case study is conducted at the Pusat Komputer dan Sistem Infomasi (PKSI) UIN Sunan Kalijaga. It is expected that this research will obtain a formula of quality assurance model suitable to be implemented on a small scale software development organization. By Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, this research was conducted with five stages. In the Diagnosing phase, the researcher did some direct observations of how the software development in PKSI to identify the problem. Based on the diagnosis, the researcher made an action plan (Action Planning) to be done to overcome these problems. Action Taking is then performed based on previous action plan, which will be evaluated on the Evaluation phase. Finally, the results of the evaluation were studied to gain some new learning of the whole research process (Specifying Learning). By referring to CMMI model, this study has successfully formulating a quality assurance model to be implemented on a small-scale software development organization. After implement it on a software development project occurred in PKSI, the researcher did some evaluations to yield adjustments of the quality assurance model. By the adjustments, the quality assurance model is renewed and could be be called as SUKA-model. Finally, this quality assurance model can be implemented with EASY-tool to help them document the course of the project %K Model Penjaminan Mutu, Pengembang Perangkat Lunak, Skala Kecil %D 2012 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54943