%A NIM.: 06650053 Sunu Pinasthika Fajar %O Pembimbing: Maria Ulfah Siregar, S. Kom, MIT %T OTOMATISASI PENGOREKSIAN DAN PENILAIAN PROGRAM MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM BERBASIS WEB %X A lecturer or his assistant of practical work of algorithm learning course frequently required a long time in correcting the tasks submitted by the practitioners. Moreover, it will need longer time when the practitioners submitted more tasks. Therefore, to help the lecturer or his assistant complete his job easily, it was developed an automatically system in correcting the tasks by applying black box testing method, in order that the assistant only need to publish the tasks and wait the tasks corrected automatically while observing and downloading the result of the corrections. The system of the correction was created by applying the programing language of php and java script, the displaying system was created by applying html and css, while the database applied MySQL. The factors used in processing correction and assessment were compilation, black-box test, memory utilization and running time. This system utilized GCC in processing compiling, a popular compiler in linux world. The presence of this system is supposed that the correction of the practical work on programming will be faster, easy and effective as a result, it does not take longer time for the practical work of the assistant in their work. Besides, the students are able to achieve a better grade since they are allowed to submit their task more than once until the date of the deadline. %K Koreksi, Otomatis, Program, Black Box Testing, Tugas Praktikum %D 2012 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55001