%A NIM.: 18205010001 Ahmad Nailul Fauzi, S.Ag %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Shofiyullah Muzammil, S.Ag., M.Ag,. %T PENDEKATAN TEOLOGIS AYAT-AYAT BENCANA DALAM KITAB TATSUNAMI FI BILADINA INDONESIA KARYA KH. MAIMOEN ZUBAIR %X Disasters in Indonesia provide insight into various theological perspectives. In particular, the tsunami disaster that occurred in Aceh gave rise to an understanding that this was a natural factor in the earth's moving structure, resulting in a tsunami. Another possibility that occurs is a punishment, calamity, reinforcements and trials. Some said that the disaster that occurred was a punishment for the Acehnese, especially those caused by previous acts of polytheism. Others, it is not a punishment, but a balā' (test) sent down by Allah SWT. as a warning. The emergence of confusion in responding to the disaster that occurred, the kyai of the pesantren also did not remain silent. The figure of KH. Maimoen Zubair, has given special attention to the disasters that occurred in Indonesia, by writing a book entitled Tatsūnāmi fi Bilādinā Indonesia Ahuwa ‘Adzābun am Muṣībatun. In the perspective of Ahlussunnah, responding to a disaster is based on the Qur'an, hadith, consensus of scholars, and (rational) reasoning. In this study, the author examines the thoughts of KH. Maimoen Zubair who focused on his understanding in responding to a disaster in Indonesia. to investigate further on the basis of understanding KH. Maimoen Zubair, the researcher also looks at Mbah Moen's theological construction, which is related to how the Tsunāmi fī Bilādinā Indonesian book thinks. As a result, the disaster that occurred in Aceh according to KH. Maimoen Zubair is not a punishment, but a test or disaster which is a reminder to repent and draw closer to Allah SWT. This disaster occurred in the majority of Muslims, which according to him did not reach the stage of doom. Because punishment is only given to unbelievers. This statement is based on the understanding of Ahlussunnah (Asy'ariyah and Maturidiyah) regarding Muslims who commit major sins are not punished as a person who is hit by punishment. Although there is a chance, that everything is also returned to Allah SWT. meaning, it may not be just a disaster, but for some who are not Muslims, this disaster is a punishment. Thus everything is a priority right of Allah swt. In Mbah Moen's theological construction in the Tsunami Book, it can be seen in several of his statements and arguments. The general description does not mention directly about theology, but his statement is very thick with the reasoning of ahlussunnah wal jama'ah thinking. For example, regarding the power and will of Allah, references to books of interpretation among the Ahlussunnah, and traditions narrated through Ahlussunnah scholars. %K bala; azab; fitnah; disaster theology; dosa besar; ahlussunnah %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55130