%A NIM.: 18205010036 Muhammad Misbahul Munir %O Pebimbing: Dr. Phil. Sahiron, M.A. %T REKONSTRUKSI KONSEP MUSTAHIK ZAKAT (PENAFSIRAN SYAHRUR ATAS Q.S. AL-TAUBAH [9]: 60) %X This study discusses the interpretation of Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60 Muhammad Syahrur who tries to see the verse with a modern linguistic approach that emphasizes contemporary meaning. The issues raised are: 1) how does Syahrur interpret Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60 2) what new things are offered in his interpretation? 3) why did Syahrur interpret Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60 is so. This research was studied by using Gadamer's hermeneutic approach. The form of this research is library. Research data were collected through text study and then analyzed using descriptiveanalytical techniques. The steps taken are first, the data that has been collected is classified based on the problem being studied. Second, the data that has been classified is studied qualitatively by using Gadamer's hermeneutic theory. Third, based on the results of data analysis and interpretation, the authors draw conclusions. This study found: 1) Muhammad Syahrur interpreted Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60 is not in a complete discussion but in various parts. He interprets the word al-sadaqa>t as zakat by seeing that the word sadaqah is a more general meaning that includes the meaning of zakat. He concluded that zakat is the minimum limit for giving. 2) Muhammad Syahrur offers a relatively new interpretation of the groups of zakat mustahik. According to him, there are four groups for which it is impossible for them to lose their share in receiving zakat, namely the indigent, the poor, the gharim, and ibn sabil. With a scientific historical approach, Syahrur dynamics the meaning of poor which includes orphans, the meaning of poor includes people with special needs (disabled), the meaning of gharim includes debts to pay for wrongful murder, and the meaning of ibn sabil which refers to travelers. 3) the product of Syahrur's interpretation of Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60 is the implication of the approach he uses. The scientific historical approach was built when Syahrur was in Moscow. At that time the episteme or logic of the times that developed was the structuralism of the Russian Formalists. The scientific historical approach was also influenced by his linguistic teacher, Ja'far Dak al-Ba>b. The scientific historical approach was constructed from three Arab linguistic figures, namely Abdul Qadir al-Jurjani with his synchronic study, Ibn Jinni with his diachronic study, and Ali al-Farisi with the anti-synonymity theory which was the initial basis for Syahrur in understanding the Qur'an. The synchronic studies that dominate in Syahrur's approach require him to look at the condition of contemporary objects in understanding Q.S. al- Taubah [9]: 60. The poor condition of Syria both from internal and external factors affected the results of Syahrur's interpretation of Q.S. al-Taubah [9]: 60. %K gharim; riqab; hudud; mustahik zakat; scientific historical approach. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55141