%A - Nurrohmah %A - Subiyantoro %J Tadrib : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam %T KECENDERUNGAN POLA PERILAKU AGRESIF DAN EKSPLOSIF REMAJA (STUDY KASUS PERILAKU DELINKUENSI PELAJAR DI YOGYAKARTA, PERSPEKTIF SOSIO-RELIGIUS-EDUKATIF) %X This study aims to determine the tendency of aggressive and explosive behavior of adolescents (student delinquency actors) in the Yogyakarta area, which in this case the researchers conducted research at the Sleman Police, Class 1 Child Correctional Center (BAPAS) and the Youth Social Protection and Rehabilitation Center (BPRSR). ) Yogyakarta in Sleman. This qualitative research in collecting data using in-depth interviews / indept interview, observation / observation and documentation. The data analysis applies Miles and Hubermen's theory, with the following steps: data reduction, data display, verification. The results showed that the tendency of adolescent aggressive and explosive behavior had elements of revenge and trial and error. The factors causing aggressive and explosive behavior are caused by the underdevelopment of adolescents regarding the development of social cognition, the development of moral reasoning and the development of a lack of understanding of religion. Besides that, family attention that is not optimal and the negative influence of "gang" are also factors that greatly influence this aggressive and explosive behavior. The solutions that the researchers offer are strengthening education in the family (the power of family), strengthening religious values, developing skills and there is a follow-up on the guidance program provided from the BPRSR at home, in this case guided by the family. %N 1 %K Delinquency, Adolescent Development, Family %P 106-125 %V 6 %D 2020 %I Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang %L digilib55424