%A - Sumedi %J Hermenia %T AKIDAH AKHLAK RASIONAL %X Every activity willingly done by someone must be from his belief. The belief itself appears from knowledge or science. Either knowledge or science is a product of coworking between five senses and mind. The belief is not a static concept but it is a dynamic one. Revelation is of the absolut truth because it comes from the Absolut God. The Revelation is guidance for people's life so it must be studied and understood or comprehended. Understanding or science. The knowledge or science will never reach the final or it is always incomplete. It needs copleting. This article treats of the logic of the belief and moral based on the reasoning of the revelation %N 1 %K Akidah, Akhlak, Wahyu, Pemahaman, Relative, Mutlak %P 174-200 %V 9 %D 2010 %I Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib55544