%A NIM.: 16710001 Estri Rohmawati %O Pembimbing: Zidni Immawan Muslimin, S.Psi., M.Si %T HUBUNGAN KUALITAS KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL GURU-SISWA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DAN KARAKTER TOLERANSI SISWA DI SMP N 1 SEWON %X The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for education in this country, especially formal education in pursuing character education. Tolerance is one of the values in character education that must be applied in school educational institutions. Students with different ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds certainly respect and respect each other in order to create a peaceful educational environment. Teachers in addition to teaching science also have a very important role in the formation of the character of tolerance. In the character education of tolerance, one of them can be through improving the quality of communication between teachers and students. The purpose of this study was to find out how big the relationship between teacher-student interpersonal communication during the pandemic in the formation of students' tolerance character at SMP N 1 Sewon. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII SMP N 1 Sewon a total of 150 students. Based on data analysis using the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique, there is a positive correlation between the quality of teacher-student interpersonal communication during the covid 19 pandemic and the tolerance character of SMP N 1 Sewon students. We can see this based on the correlation coefficient value obtained, which is 0.456 with a significance value of p = 0.000 so that the hypothesis in this study can be accepted. These results can be understood that about 20.8% of the quality of teacher-student interpersonal communication contributes effectively to the tolerance character of students at SMP N 1 Sewon, while 79.2% is influenced by other factors. %K intoleransi; character; tolerance; interpersonal communication %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55600