%A NIM.: 16710099 Herlambang Wisnu Murti %O Pembimbing: Ismatul Izzah S.Th.I., M.A. %T PENYESUAIAN DIRI PADA REMAJA DENGAN ORANGTUA YANG MENIKAH LAGI SETELAH PERCERAIAN %X This study aims to determine the description of self-adjustment in adolescents whose parents remarry after divorce, and to determine the various faktors that support and interfere with the adjustment of adolescents within the family. This study uses a qualitative research methodology with phenomenological methods. The data were collected using the method of observation and interviews conducted on three adolescent informants in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The results of the study showed that the three informants A, B, and C had succeeded in making adjustments in the family. Although informant A still has the feeling of not being able to accept the phenomenon of parents remarrying completely and informant B still has feelings of blaming her biological mother. %K keluarga tiri; adjustment; adolscents; parents remarry after divorce %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55610