%A NIM.: 16210009 Dinda Arum Mumpuni %O Pembimbing: Muhamad Lutfi Habibi, M.A. %T REPRESENTASI AJARAN ISLAM DI TENGAH BUDAYA AMERIKA DALAM SERIAL “MS. MARVEL” (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES) %X Amid the onslaught of Islamophobia that is rife in the United States, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) released its first Muslim superhero series, titled Ms. Marvel. The presence of Islam in the series has been questioned a lot. Therefore, it is important to research to find out how Islamic tenets are represented. This study aims to analyze the representation of Islamic tenetsin in Ms. Marvel through Roland Barthes semiotic analysis. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis method is used to dissect the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The Islamic tenet explained by Abuddin Nata are used to confirm the Islamic tenet in Ms. Marvel. The results of this study are a representation of Islamic tenet in Ms. Marvel is shown through the daily activities carried out by the characters as a minority in the United States. Unlike the face of Islam in American films, the face of Islam in the Marvel series produced by the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is far from depicting violence. Islamic teachings that appear in the series Ms. Marvel are faith, worship, and compassion. %K Representasi Ajaran Islam, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ms. Marvel. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55637