%A NIM.: 18107030063 Andrean Nur Fauzi %O Pembimbing: Maya Sandra Rosita Dewi, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. %T KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DIGITAL MELALUI INSTAGRAM DAN FACEBOOK DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Usaha Sablon Satuan YK di Yogyakarta) %X The Covid-19 pandemic has had many effects on human life. Lack of knowledge about how to respond makes many human activities have to stop and causes a lot of domino effects, including business lines that are closed because there is no healthy business turnover. One by one alternative response emerged, one of which was by optimizing digital marketing such as what was done by Sablon Satuan YK (SSYK). Digital marketing is widely chosen as a solution because it is felt that all aspects can be carried out without physical touch and distance restrictions. This study uses a qualitative method by describing the data collected through interviews with the owner and admin of SSYK. In exploring digital marketing on Sablon Satuan YK, the theory used is integrated marketing communication (IMC) which is narrowed down to the scope of computer-mediated communication. This study shows that the Sablon Satuan YK has implemented almost all aspects within the scope of IMC and the rest were not implemented because it was felt that it was not necessary to do it and there was an experience with one aspect that was not good. Aspects in the IMC carried out by SSYK helped get out of a bad situation during the Covid-19 pandemic so that the business was able to survive until now. In addition, many new opportunities have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as good relationships with brands that work together so that SSYK never lacks in production. IMC through the advertising element has its closeness to SSYK because one of the methods used and effective during the Covid-19 pandemic is advertising through the Instagram and Facebook Ads features. %K integrated marketing communication; computer mediated communication; business; Covid-19 %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55648