%A NIM.: 18102010021 Rizki Okta Pradana %O Pembimbing: Dra. Hj. Anisah Indriati, M.Si. %T STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI INDONESIA CREATORS ACADEMY DALAM PEMBINAAN PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN SKILL MULTIMEDIA BERBASIS PESANTREN TERHADAP ANAK DHUAFA %X Development with new breakthought is very much needed in the system implemented in an Education Sosial Foundation. Considering that today, global competition is very tight and many children are falling in a bad direction, asprecially disadvantaged children who do not have the opportunity to continue their education. Without having suffient potential and religious values in him. They will be victims of modernization of the times. Therefore, there is a need for guidance that has a brilliant strategy, such as that carries out by the Indonesia Creators Academy Foundation. Strategy in integration the development of multimedia skills with Islamic values and values based on Islamic broading school that are applied to dhuafa children. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The theory used is the steps for preparing the strategy by Onong Uchjana combined with several reviews regarding coaching, developing multimedia skills and Islamic boarding schools, Data was obtained rhrought interviews with the Principal of the Indonesia Creators Academy, the Management of the Indonesia Creators Academy, and several students who were there. Documentation in the form of interview photos, and activities c arried out at the Indonesia Creators Academy. Curriculum at Indonesia Creators Academy, as well as various related literature. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model which includes data reduction, data preparetin and drawing conclusion. The results of the study show that the strategy formed and implemented by the Indonesia Creators Academy Foundation which includes a Islamic boarding school-based multimedia skill development program has been very efficient even though there are still obstacles that occur there. %K Strategi Komunikasi, Skill Multimedia, Pembinaan SDM %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55675