%A NIM.: 20208011053 Abdullah Gufronul M %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ibnu Muhdir, M.Ag %T PRIORITAS SOLUSI PERMASALAHAN PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT DENGAN METODE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (STUDI DI KABUPATEN LUMAJANG) %X Zakat has a very strong relationship with the level of welfare and prosperity of the community. Furthermore, zakat is able to appear as a sharia economic instrument that can be a balancer in the economic sector, even able to fix the severity and depth of poverty. The potential for zakat in Indonesia is very large, it is noted that zakat funds in Indonesia reach 217 trillion. this is due to the contribution of the regions in the territory of Indonesia. One area that has the potential for large zakat funds is Lumajang Regency, East Java Province. Counting from professional zakat alone, the potential for zakat funds in Lumajang can reach 8 billion if it is explored to the fullest. However, the total collection of zakat funds in Lumajang Regency has not yet reached the target and potential of the existing zakat funds. From there it can be seen that there are serious problems in the management of zakat, causing a gap between potential and reality that is so far away. The purpose of this study is to find priority problems in zakat management in Lumajang Regency and to provide priority solutions to priority problems in zakat management in Lumajang Regency. The method to find the priority scale used in this research is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The sample in this study involved four people who are experts in the field of zakat in Lumajang Regency, with the sampling technique using the purposive sampling method. There are three stages in this research including: 1) model construction, 2) model quantification and; 3) synthesis and analysis. The results of the study reveal that the priority solutions to problems in zakat management in Lumajang Regency are three aspects, namely aspects of the Zakat Management Organization (OPZ), muzaki or mustahik and regulators. The priority problems found from the informants are from the OPZ aspect with a priority value of 0.638425 in which there are sub-criteria for the most priority problem, namely the low credibility of the OPZ with a priority value of 0.310876, meaning that low management in managing zakat institutions will result in many OPZ errors in manage zakat and reduce public trust as muzaki or mustahik. Then the priority solution found is the solution from the OPZ aspect with a priority weight of 0.581459 with the sub-criteria of the most priority solution in it is to conduct training management and collaboration with universities with a priority score of 0.250986, to meet the needs of professional amil zakat and amil stock zakat. %K AHP; problem; zakat management; priority; solution %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55755