%A NIM.: 20202011019 Khoirun Nasbi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Pajar Hatma Indra jaya, S.Sos, M.Si %T KOMUNIKASI DA’I MUDA DALAM BERDAKWAH DI DESA LIMBUR MERANGIN, KECAMATAN PAMENANG BARAT, KABUPATEN MERANGIN, PROVINSI JAMBI %X Da'wah is an activity that is important to do to ground Islamic teachings and to create social change. But preaching is not an arbitrary activity, a da'i must have skills in communicating and is supported by good knowledge. Not a few preachers failed to preach, as a result there was uproar and the discourse of clerical certification by the Ministry of Religion arose, this was proof that da'wah activities were not doing well. Young preachers in Limbur Merangin Village have a high enthusiasm for preaching and have sufficient knowledge of Islam, previously when worshiping the community did not understand pillars, then in social activities it was as if they had not been able to protect their private parts. With patience and communication skills which are then applied in his preaching, he can slowly bring positive transformations to society according to the proverb "adat is based on syara', syara' is based on the bookullah". Based on this, the authors are interested in researching the forms of da'wah communication, efforts to create the effectiveness of da'wah as well as supporting and inhibiting factors for young da'i in preaching. The research method that the author uses is descriptive qualitative. In order to obtain accurate and relevant data for the object of research, the authors apply three data collection methods, namely, field observations, interviews, namely interviewing 13 respondents, and documentation. Analysis of research data uses data reduction, condensation, data display, and draws conclusions and verification, so that the data becomes credible. The results obtained are first, the form of young da'i communication, namely, oral da'wah is carried out in da'wah forums such as sermons, lectures, recitations by adjusting the language and material for each mad'u classification, when things are done in social life by setting an example in behavior , providing basic food assistance and mutual cooperation, and bil kalam is done by writing on social media homepages and in teaching and learning activities in class. Second, in the efforts of young preachers in preaching, young preachers build their skills in Arabic, regional and Indonesian, implement the 6 ethical principles in communicating, use modern da'wah, conduct atmosphere building, build communication, and recognize personality and needs, both in da'wah forums as well as in everyday life, so that the messages conveyed can be received and practiced, the da'wah can be said to be effective da'wah. Third, as for the supporting factors, they get full support from their families, teachers, community, and village government, which means they are involved in various activities. Inhibiting factors such as still feeling a lack of knowledge, inadequate transportation vehicles, unfavorable weather, and people who maintain more of the old customs rather than the Shari'a. %K Komunikasi, Dakwah Modern, Da’i Muda %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55780