%A NIM.: 20202012028 Arief Fadhil Saputra %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay, M.Si, M.A %T KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH GUBERNUR DALAM MEWUJUDKAN SUMATERA BARAT MADANI YANG UNGGUL DAN BERKELANJUTAN %X Strong digital developments have changed the order of social life. The impacts that arise both internally and externally from a community cause neglect of the importance of the teachings of Islam for everyday life and the importance of knowing the local culture. As a result, the impact caused the community to experience a degradation of knowledge of Islamic religious teachings and local cultural customs. So the actions of a da'i and a public official in communicating to preach to the public must be done. A leader's communication is certainly a determinant in being able to arouse the community's enthusiasm in realizing a superior and sustainable West Sumatran Civil Service. Mahyeldi Ansharullah, as the Governor of West Sumatra, is tasked with building da'wah communications to the community to create a superior sustainable civilized West Sumatra. This study aims to determine the Governor's da'wah communication strategy in realizing a superior and sustainable West Sumatran Madani. This study used descriptive qualitative data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study illustrate the da'wah communication process built by Mahyeldi Ansharullah through 4 elements categorized according to Berlo's communication model. First, the source used in this research is Buya Mahyeldi, with assessment criteria ranging from speaking skills, displayed attitudes, knowledge mastered, and social systems built. Second, the message conveyed by Buya Mahyeldi Ansahrullah is then analyzed through several factors: the message's content, the elements contained in the message, and the body gestures used. Third, the channel used for research was Mahyeldi Ansahrullah's Instagram social media which is used in preaching and conveying the policies carried out. Fourth, the message recipient in this research is the people of West Sumatra itself. As a result, the ultimate goal of da'wah communication is to change society in terms of attitudes and behavior following the adat basandi syara', syara' basandi Kitabullah. This collective da'wah activity makes it easier for Mahyeldi Ansharullah to take an approach through interpersonal communication built with the community using a structural and cultural approach. On the other hand, to create a superior and sustainable civil society, the Governor of West Sumatra needs to collaborate with all existing stakeholders in West Sumatra, which aims to meet the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. %K Komunikasi Dakwah, Model Komunikasi Berlo, Gubernur Sumatera Barat %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55786