%A NIM. 17108010059 Khoirul Awwalin %O Pembimbing: Drs. Slamet Khilmi, M.Si. %T DETERMINAN PRODUKSI TAMBAK BANDENG DI KABUPATEN KENDAL TAHUN 2022 %X Cultivation is a process of producing or generating an item to obtain a profit. Aquaculture in indonesia first appeared in the 14th century with the type of fish being cultivated, that is milkfish which was carried out on the island of java. Aquaculture production has also increased significantly from year to year, and the potential of aquaculture in indonesia is also not inferior to capture fisheries, this is proven in 2020 the potential of aquaculture fish is 17.91 million ha, which includes 2.8 million ha of aquaculture. Brackish water and 2,9 million ha of marine cultivation. In this study, the data used were primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to milkfish farmers in kendal regency. The methode used a quantitative method, with data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis techniques whit the help of reviews 64 software. The results of this study simultaneously variabel feed, fry, capital, and land area affect milkfish pond production in kendal regency, partially variable fries, and capital has a significant effect on milkfish pond production in kendal regency, while the variables of land area and feed do not affect milkfish pond production. %K Perikanan Budidaya, OLS, Produksi, Pakan, Luas lahan, Benur, Modal %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55803