%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Shiddiq, NIM.: 15210110 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2022 %F digilib:55815 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K infographics; instagram; media dakwah; media sosial %P 108 %T EFEKTIVITAS INFOGRAFIS SEBAGAI MEDIA DAKWAH PADA FOLLOWERS AKUN INSTAGRAM ISLAMIDOTCO %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/55815/ %X Social media is in great demand by various groups due to its practical characteristics, which can be accessed via mobile phones or computers connected to the internet network. One of the most popular social media used by most people is Instagram. This application-based social media is a space for sharing photos and videos between users. Not only private users, Instagram users also consist of many online media, one of which is Islamidotco, an Islamic media site as o the internet. In developing its content, one of the strategies used by the media is infographics. This strategy is expected to maximize the message that the media brings to followers. So, through this study, the author intends to examine how effective infographics are as a medium of propaganda for followers of the Islamidotco Instagram account. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of effectiveness of an infographic presented by Islamidotco media to convey messages to its followers on Instagram social media. Besides infographics is a new formulation to convey da'wah messages that can attract mad'u's attention, this formulation must also have the effectiveness of da'wah messages so that messages are conveyed properly because the benchmark for the effectiveness of da'wah messages is not only seen from how attractive the message is by mad' u. The research method that will be used by the author in this research is quantitative research that uses a survey method approach to collect data. The quantitative approach describes or explains a problem whose results can be generalized. Thus it is not too concerned with the depth of the data or analysis. Researchers are more concerned with the aspect of the breadth of the data so that the results of the study are considered to be a representation of the entire population. Furthermore, in this study the researchers distributed online questionnaires using google forms and sent them to respondents via social media. The results of this study indicate that there are five indicators used by researchers as a measuring tool for effectiveness. First, the understanding indicator of getting the value obtained is 3.41 in this case it shows that the level of understanding of the followers of the @islamidotco Instagram account towards the message conveyed through the upload of the Islamidotco Instagram account can be interpreted as very high. Second, the indicator of pleasure in getting the average value obtained is 3.2, in this case it shows that the level of enjoyment of followers on uploading the Islamidotco Instagram account is also very high. Third, indicators affect attitudes which are at an average value of 2.98 which is relatively high. Fourth, the indicator of social relations has an average value of 3.19 also in the high category. Fifth, the indicator of action with an average value of 2.97 which also indicates the high category. %Z Pembimbing: Drs. Abdul Rozak, M.Pd.