relation: title: STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH PONDOK PESANTREN AL-MUHAJIRIN PADA CHANNEL YOUTUBE AL-MUHAJIRIN TV creator: Hikmat Darajat, NIM.: 17102010081 subject: Penyiaran Islam subject: Media Dakwah description: The development of the times and technological advances affect various aspects of human activities, including da'wah activities. Da'wah activities are often carried out by missionaries from stage to stage with a narrow audience scope, now with sophisticated technology da'wah activities can be carried out by utilizing YouTube media with an increasingly wider audience coverage. The increasingly advanced technology is utilized by the Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School by carrying out da'wah activities through YouTube social media with the account name Al- Muhajirin TV. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research, namely research that obtains data through observation or observation, interviews, and review of documents. This research is based on the concept of strategy according to Ahmad's opinion and the theory of communication goals proposed by R. Wayne Place, Brent. D. Peterson, and M. Dallas Burnet, with the technical analysis of the interactive model data proposed by Miles and Huberman. Sources of data are taken from two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data, primary data is obtained directly from sources in this case, namely the head of the media division of Al- Muhajirin TV and an important crew who is one of the two founders of the Alxiii Muhajirin TV youtube channel, while secondary data were obtained from documents, books, and the YouTube account of Al-Muhajirin TV. The results of this study found that the application of communication strategies by the Al-Muhajirin TV youtube channel which includes: target audience, target formulation, message determination, audience analysis, media selection, message design and preparation, has been well and effectively used in preaching activities through youtube media and can attract communicants to follow and watch da'wah content from Al-Muhajirin TV. Currently, Al-Muhajirin TV has collected 18,500 subscribers with 1,642,487 hours of broadcast. date: 2022-09-15 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Hikmat Darajat, NIM.: 17102010081 (2022) STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH PONDOK PESANTREN AL-MUHAJIRIN PADA CHANNEL YOUTUBE AL-MUHAJIRIN TV. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.