%A NIM.: 17107030064 Bima Kurniawan %O Pembimbing: Dr. Diah Ajeng Purwani, S.Sos., M.Si %T PENGARUH IKLAN LAYANAN MASYARAKAT “INGAT PESAN IBU” DI TV TERHADAP SIKAP MASYARAKAT DALAM MENGGUNAKAN MASKER (SURVEI DUSUN TAHUNAN, KARANGDUWET, PALIYAN, GUNUNGKIDUL) %X The appearance of COVID-19 had an impact on health, economic, and social sectors. COVID 19 had rapid spread and caused many victims. The victims recorded around 303,980,066 million people in worldwide. The Indonesian government is trying to do prevention by making health protocol like wearing masks when doing activities outside the home. Indonesian government used television to provide information about COVID-19 by inviting the people to always obey the health protocols. The goverment used advertisement named "Ingat Pesan Ibu" performed by well-known Indonesian band Padi Reborn. The advertisement contains information about COVID-19 to the public so that people can implement health protocols such as washing hands, maintaining distance, and wearing masks. The concept used in this research is the concept of mass communication. Mass communication is used to find out how the influence of advertising through oral, written, non-verbal and images to the public. This study aims to determine how much influence of the advertisement "Ingat Pesan Ibu". This advertisment surely had an impact to people's attitudes by using masks in Tahunan, Karangduwet, Paliyan, Gunungkidul. This research used quantitative research methods through surveys with a total of 94 respondents using Stimulus Response theory and simple linear regression analysis as data analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the public service advertisement "Ingat Pesan Ibu" has an influence around 61.9% on people's attitudes in using masks. The results of this research studied showed positive results. The influence "Ingat Pesan Ibu" shows the public awareness about the importance of using masks during the pandemic would increase. %K Covid-19, Kondisi Masyarakat, Iklan Layanan Masyarakat %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55898