TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Nanang Mizwar H, S.Sos.,M.Si ID - digilib55902 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/55902/ A1 - Aglifa Shafly Al-farabi, NIM.: 18102010055 Y1 - 2022/10/25/ N2 - The development of technology and information, Madrasas as educational institutions are currently of special concern to the community, so that in disseminating information, madrasas require an online media website, with competition from educational institutions, editorial management is needed to manage website content in disseminating information. MAN 1 Jembrana as the oldest and best madrasa in the province of Bali, therefore researchers are interested in examining how the editorial management of the MAN 1 Jembrana website in the 2021 edition. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method, with data collection techniques from observations, interviews, documentation, and data analysis. With the aim of research knowing how to manage the editorial content of the 2021 edition of the MAN 1 Jembrana website. The results of this study indicate that the editorial management of MAN 1 Jembrana in 2021 is in accordance with George Terry's theory developed by Hendry Fayol which uses 5 ways of managing editors, namely planning, organizing, ordering, coordinating, and supervising. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - editorial management; Website Editorial Management; MAN 1 Jembrana KW - Hendry Fayol M1 - skripsi TI - MANAJEMEN REDAKSI WEBSITE MAN 1 JEMBRANA EDISI TAHUN 2021 AV - restricted EP - 97 ER -