%A NIM.: 18107030018 Isnaini Fitri Pertiwi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Fatma Dian Pratiwi, S.Sos M. Si. %T PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF GAMER TERHADAP MINAT BELI BARANG VIRTUAL (STUDI KUANTITATIF PADA GAME GENSHIN IMPACT DI KOMUNITAS MIHOYO YOGYAKARTA SEBAGAI PENGGUNA SISTEM GACHA) %X Genshin Impact is very popular in Indonesia because the game model allows you to explore places in the game without worrying about running out of places to explore. Other factors too, there is also an opinion that Genshin Impact's characters are the main value. With a different background for each character, design and even unique gameplay for each character, gamers feel they have to own this character. Therefore, this Genshin Impact game is very interesting to discuss, especially regarding the gacha system where you can obtain virtual items in the form of characters and weapons.This study used a quantitative research method by distributing questionnaires to 70 members of the Yogyakarta Mihoyo Community. The initial hypothesis of this study is that there is the influence of persuasive communication to increase gamers' buying interest in virtual goods on the Gacha Game Genshin Impact system. The results of this study revealed that the correlation between the two variables was moderate and in the table the coefficient of determinant (Rsquare) was 31.2%. This means that variable X has an influence of 31.2% on variable Y (intention to buy virtual goods).And after testing the hypothesis to prove whether the regression coefficient is or not, then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected so that there is an influence between gamers on the interest in buying virtual goods in the Yogyakarta Mihoyo Community in using the gacha in games Genshin Impact. %K Genshin Impact, Persuasive Communication, Buying Interest %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55928