%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Amrina Rosyada, NIM.: 18202010022 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2022 %F digilib:55933 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K communication; gender; boarding school. %P 178 %T KOMUNIKASI DAN GENDER DI PESANTREN: STUDI PADA PERAN PEKERJA PEREMPUAN MBS YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/55933/ %X The term gender remains a controversial discussion in most Muslim communities, especially in boarding schools. Some of these societies feel that gender equality tends to be marked as breaking the boundary between male and female and viewed as' secular 'because it mirrored western cultural claims. A primary objective of the influence of gender is to remove gender bias and discrimination. Muhammadiyah played a part in carrying the influence of gender on the terms of the union. One of the rather famous boarding schools under the Muhammadiyah organization was the Muhammadiyah boarding school (MBS) Sleman. Of the phenomenon, researchers studied gender equality in modern MBS boarding houses. The study focuses on the role of female employees of the MBS organization as seen from the autopoietic perspective of the organization's system and the indicator of gender equality. In addition, the study also focuses on female employees' understanding of gender in Islam, to determine gender typology believed in the MBS. The study is a qualitative typewritten in descriptive-analytical form. As for the forms the question is how the organization communication system in MBS, how the role of ustazah in the MBS organization, and what the typology of gender thinking in Islam is applied in the MBS. The research uses the Niklas Luhmann organization's communication theory on the autopoietic concept of the organization's system, the muted group theory by Cheris Kramarae, gender equality indicators, and the typology of understanding of gender in Islam. Research has yielded: that the auto-polish concept of the MBS organization covers three aspects; (a) the social aspect of improved education through seminars, workshops, motivations and work visits and training. (b) functional aspects based on informant experiences such as making applications ready, halaqah santri, and creating santri regulation. (c.) Temporal aspects, the use of Onedrive applications and social media to make work easier. Women in her role can contribute to organizations such as being heads of the field, presiding over meetings, and being committee chairman. The typology used leads to moderate allegiance with various motives of the patriarch-moderate, accommodating - moderate and gender-neutral. %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Siti Syamsiyatun, M.A.,Ph.D.