%A NIM.: 17304016003 Farida Musyrifah %O Promotor: Dr. Sangkot Sirait, M.Ag dan Dr. Sembodo Ardi Widodo M.Ag %T MODEL PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI BERBASIS PESANTREN (STUDI KASUS DI UNIVERSITAS SAINS AL-QUR’AN (UNSIQ) JAWA TENGAH DI WONOSOBO) %X This dissertation studies a Model of College Development on Pesantren (a Case Study in UNSIQ Central Java in Wonosobo). The study was under some academic reasons. First, higher education model in pesantren has attracted people’s interest in this institution because the outputs are assumed to have many specialties (tahfiz scholar). Second, the enactment of integrative education a basic knowledge integration in UNSIQ is appealing alternative model of higher education on pesantren basis to study. Third, research on pesantren-base college is only a few, especially the attachment of the word “sains” in the university’s name. This study focuses on: (1) what lies behind the establishment of University of Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ) Central Java in Wonosobo, (2) what model of knowledge development of UNSIQ Central Java in Wonosobo, (3) what integrative knowledge development characteristic in UNSIQ Central Java in Wonosobo. The objective of the study is to understand the background of UNSIQ establishment and elaborating the model of integrated knowledge development in UNSIQ Central Java in Wonosobo. The study is expected to serve as a reference for pesantren-base higher education developer to upgrade integrative Islamic knowledge. The novelty in this dissertation is as follow. (1) There have been continuous significant changes in the history of UNSIQ and its development. Knowledge continuity in UNSIQ is reflected in the loyalty to teaching Al-Qur’an (tahfiz) a benchmark of pesantren-base college. Changes occur in leadership aspect/intellectual actor when developing UNSIQ and institution development management of UNSIQ. (2) The model of knowledge established in UNSIQ is an integration of higher education knowledge and pesantren one (PTP). The development of integrative education is carried out by making Al-Qur’an the spirit of any subject in UNSIQ. The use of daras book “Al- Qur’an dan Sains Modern“ in all faculties shows the integration being applied. It also shows the attempt toward knowledge integration with a concept “Scientification Theology and Scientific Theology”. (3) The characteristic of knowledge in UNSIQ appears in curriculum of study programs, curriculum of excellent university and curriculum of local content integrated in the teaching Al-Qur’an. %K Model Pengembangan Pendidikan, Pendidikan Tinggi, Pesantren %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib55990