%A NIM.: 18104090028 Nabila Fauziyyah %O Pembimbing: Muhamad Iskhak, M.Pd. %T MANAJEMEN STRATEGI KEPALA SEKOLAH PADA PROGRAM SEKOLAH RAMAH ANAK (SRA) DI SDIT SALSABILA 3 BANGUNTAPAN %X This research is motivated by the importance of the principal's strategy in implementing a school program. One of them is the child-friendly school program. The program is one of the government's programs to protect children from various acts of violence and other mistreatment. This study aims to determine: 1) the implementation of the child-friendly school program, 2) the principal's strategy in the child-friendly school program, 3) the supporting and inhibiting factors of the principal's strategy in the child-friendly school program. This research uses qualitative research with field study methods. Research informants were principals, representatives of the curriculum, representatives of student affairs, representatives of facilities and infrastructure, classroom teachers, and committees. Collecting data using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis in this study is data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The researcher uses source triangulation in achieving the validity of the data. The results showed that: 1) The implementation of the child-friendly school program at SDIT Salsabila 3 Banguntapan can be seen from two perspectives, namely the principle of child-friendly schools and indicators of child-friendly schools. The principles of child-friendly schools include: non-discrimination, the best interests of children, survival and development, respect for children, and good management. While indicators for child-friendly schools include child-friendly school policies, implementation of child-friendly learning processes, educators and education personnel who are trained in child rights, child-friendly school facilities and infrastructure, child participation, and participation of parents, community institutions, the world. business, other stakeholders and alumni. 2) The principal's strategy for the child-friendly school program at SDIT Salsabila 3 Banguntapan consists of 4 stages, namely environmental analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. 3) There are supporting and inhibiting factors that faced by the principal in the child-friendly school program at SDIT Salsabila 3 Banguntapan. The supporting factors are the SRA program that has been planned in the RKAS that has been carried out, child-friendly learning activities are quite optimal, and the application of concept classes is good. The inhibiting factors are that there are facilities and infrastructure that are not safe and do not have a sports center as a vehicle for students to play. %K Manajemen Strategi, Strategi Kepala Sekolah, Program Sekolah Ramah Anak %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56017