%A NIM.: 20204012050 Ilham Putri Handayani S.Pd %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Muh. Wasith Achadi, M.Ag. %T MODEL INTEGRASI KURIKULUM MUHAMMADIYAH BOARDING SCHOOL (MBS) DI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 1 BANTUL DAN IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN PAI %X The relationship between religious science and general science is still characterized by dualism and dichotomy in the midst of extraordinary developments in science and technology in the 21st century. This scientific dichotomy has deep roots within society, giving rise to various complex and systemic problems regarding the views of society and educational models, such as the assumption that the intensity is separate between general science and religious knowledge, dichotomies in educational institutions and education managers to the fact that people's orientation in education is divided. In overcoming these problems, a curriculum model is needed that can integrate various scientific disciplines and make learning more integrated. The integration of this curriculum certainly brings a number of implications for institutions, education and learning subjects around it, including PAI learning. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to analyze the integration model of the Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) curriculum at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul and its implications for PAI. This research is a type of qualitative research (field research) using 3 methods of data collection, namely first, the observation method is used to observe the process of learning PAI, Islamic boarding school learning in MBS and the MBS curriculum integration model. Second, the interview method. This method was used to collect data related to the model and integration of the MBS curriculum at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, with a total of 12 informants including the MBS director, deputy head of the MBS curriculum, 2 MBS teachers, 1 extracurricular teacher, 2 Ismuba teachers and 5 participants. learn MBS. Third, the method of documentation. The documents needed in this study include the MBS syllabus, lesson plans for PAI and MBS learning, textbooks, value recapitulation data, school data and other data that supports research problems. For data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. As for data validity techniques, researchers used source triangulation and technical triangulation used to test the validity of data obtained by researchers in the field. This study shows the results that: 1) The integration model of the MBS curriculum at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul is not in the form of dissolving or fusing general and religious material, but rather in juxtaposing and complementing the general material found in SMA. In addition, the integration contained in MBS is a form of institutional integration which includes 3 aspects, namely formal, informal and non-formal education. 2) The implications of the MBS curriculum integration model for PAI learning can be reviewed in 3 aspects, namely first, the implications for PAI teachers include teachers being able to link various teaching materials, obtaining convenience in teaching and teachers being able to work together and collaborate in teaching. Second, the implications for students include students being able to learn collaboratively in groups, students are more motivated, confident and gain direct experience in learning and have an integral personality. Third, the implications for the process of implementing PAI learning include: 1) aspects of lesson planning as seen in the implementation of the learning planning structure during the PAI teaching and learning process which includes learning reference sources used, materials, classes and learning time. 2) aspects of implementing learning have implications for 4 21st century skills, namely critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. 3), the evaluation aspect helps students acquire basic competencies at once (affective, cognitive and psychomotor), increases PAI values, and establishes cooperation between PAI teachers and MBS teachers in evaluations in the affective domain. %K Integrasi Kurikulum, PAI, Muhammadiyah Boarding School %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56069