%A NIM.: 20204032032 Qotrun Nada Nafiā€™ah %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Erni Munastiwi, M.M %T PENGEMBANGAN PERMAINAN ULTAGEMBUNG SEBAGAI MEDIA LITERASI FINANSIAL PADA ANAK USIA 4-6 TAHUN DI DESA PLEMBUTAN, PLAYEN, GUNUNGKIDUL %X The economic downturn during the pandemic should increase public awareness of the importance of financial literacy. But the fact is that post-pandemic financial literacy is even less visible. This is marked by the loss of saving habits in early childhood in some ECCE institutions. Whereas financial literacy is important from preschool age. The purpose of the study is to develop a financial literacy medium to make it easier for parents to instill savings habituation in children through financial literacy. The research uses the MANTAP research and development model. The MANTAP model is a simplification of the Borg and Gall model. The MANTAP model consists of the following five stages: (1) Preliminary Research, which is the stage of analyzing problems and reviewing existing models. (2) Model Development, which is the media development stage consisting of media design and material preparation. (3) Model Validation, which is the stage of media assessment by media experts and material experts. (4) Effectiveness Test, which is the media trial stage. The effectiveness test is carried out in two stages, namely a limited effectiveness test and a broad effectiveness test. (5) Dissemination, that is, socialization to the relevant community. The total number of study subjects was 12 children aged 4-6 years. The authors used pretest and posttest to look at the impact of media on financial literacy in early childhood. The results showed: first, the development of the ULTAGEMBUNG game as a medium for financial literacy in early childhood through five stages. The results of the ULTAGEMBUNG media development obtained an eligibility score of 85% from media experts, a score of 87.5% from material experts, a score of 100% from parents, and an average score of 96% of teachers. Second, the impact of using ULTAGEMBUNG media can improve children's ability to understand financial literacy. Evidenced by the increase in posttest results from the Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH) to Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB) categories. %K Ular Tangga, Literasi Finansial, Anak Usia Dini %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56111