%A NIM.: 20204032038 Atin Risnawati, S.Pd. %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Hj. Marhumah, M. Pd %T ANALISIS POLA ASUH STRICT PARENTS DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER KEMANDIRIAN ANAK (STUDI KASUS DI DESA BERASAN MULYA, KECAMATAN BUAY MADANG TIMUR, KABUPATEN OKU TIMUR, SUMATERA SELATAN) %X This period of golden age time the child's personality can be easily formed and directed. Parenting style applied by parents is one of the factors that have a role in the formation of children's character. The character of independence is considered important to grow because there is a tendency among parents today to overprotect their children, so that children also have a high dependence on their parents. Parents supervise their children closely, the reason is because they are afraid that their children will behave in a way that deviates from the ethnicity, race, religion and culture adopted by the community. Especially in this modern era, there are many standards or demands that are applied to children. The purpose of the research in this thesis is: to analyze the application of strict parenting style to children in Berasan Mulya Village. To find out the method of building the independent character of children in the Berasan Mulya Village. To evaluate the impact of strict parents' parenting style in building the independent character of children in Berasan Mulya Village. The research method in this research is descriptive qualitative. Research informants included village heads, village secretaries, and 14 parents of children who used strict parents. The location of this research is in Berasan Mulya Village, East Buay Madang District, East Oku Regency, South Sumatra. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research includes 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the research data using source triangulation. The results showed that: first, the application of strict parenting (authoritarian) to children, namely by implementing parental planning in determining parenting, then the implementation stage of parenting, parents demand children to obey, parents give punishment to children , and parents limit communication with children. Next is the evaluation stage where parents apply authoritarian parenting by modifying it with a humanistic approach, looking at the culture/regional culture. Second, the method of forming the independent character of children, namely parents using ways of explaining to children (lecture method), giving examples to children (exemplary method) and habituation methods to children. Third, the impact of strict parents' parenting style in the formation of children's independent character, which has positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that children become obedient, easy to manage, children are trained to be disciplined and independent and children are not spoiled. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that the child loses the opportunity to actualize himself, the child will tend to rebel when under pressure, and the application of human rights actually eliminates the child's empathy. %K Pola Asuh Strict Parents, Pembentukan Karakter, Kemandirian Anak. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56114