%A NIM.: 18106050041 Muhammad Yolan Alfiandy %O Pembimbing: Muhammad Galih Wonoseto, M.T. %T IMPLEMENTASI METODE FUZZY AHP UNTUK SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMINJAMAN PADA KOPERASI KREDIT SEJAHTERA %X The Prosperous Credit Cooperative (KKS) is a cooperative engaged in savings and loan services in the Bogor area. One form of KKS service to employees is by providing loan funds (credit) to help solve financial problems for employees. In providing a loan, the PSC must take many considerations into account. The problem faced by PSC so far is that decision-making activities in lending are still inadequate which results in non-performing loans or bad debts because the cooperative does not have a special system for decision making. The analysis process carried out also still uses excel, so it does not rule out the possibility of frequent errors when considering the data of prospective creditors. Therefore, a decision support system using the Fuzzy AHP method is needed. Fuzzy AHP is considered better at describing vague decisions than AHP. This is because Fuzzy AHP uses the concept of Triangular Fuzzy Number (TFN) which is a theory of fuzzy sets that aims to help in measuring in cases of subjective human judgment using language or linguistics, so that Fuzzy AHP covers the weaknesses of AHP Based on the problems that occur, researchers will build a decision support system that can handle credit problems using the Fuzzy AHP method using 9 criteria, namely salary, term, other loans, membership status, expenses, accuracy of previous payments, work, loan purpose and loan amount so that it can help the cooperative in determining the provision of loans to prospective creditors quickly, precise and accurate according to the ranking of the fuzzy AHP calculation results. The system built is a web-based system developed using the waterfall method so that the system can display rankings based on preference values from Fuzzy AHP calculations. Blackbox testing is carried out to test the achievement of the functional requirements of the system which shows that the functional requirements are met 100% of the total 8 functional consisting of 5 functional on admin actor and 3 functional on officer actor can be done/valid. Meanwhile, the UAT test is a test to test the achievement of non-functional requirements. By conducting a questionnaire to 16 respondents, they got a total score of 381 with a percentage of 95 % which indicates that non-functional needs are met in the implementation of the fuzzy AHP method for lending decision support systems in prosperous credit cooperatives. %K blackbox testing; Fuzzy AHP; Decision Support System; UAT %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56159