%A NIM.: 19200010136 Istianah, S.Sos %O Pembimbing: Ro‟fah, M.SW., MA., Ph.D. %T INTERVENSI BERBASIS KEKUATAN BAGI PENYANDANG DISABILITAS DI ERA PANDEMI COVID 19 STUDI KASUS DI KABUPATEN CIREBON %X The Covid 19 pandemic has had a negative impact on people with disabilities such as health problems causing death, job loss, limited accessibility, limited information, fear and high stress. In Cirebon Regency, it is one of the areas that has high problems. In this pandemic situation, the role of social workers is needed in dealing with disruption problems. Social workers have a role in developing and increasing the capacities of persons with disabilities during the Covid 19 pandemic. Social workers see the strengths both internally and externally possessed by persons with disabilities in Cirebon Regency. This research is a field research. Data analysis method is descriptive. This study uses a phenomenological approach, which emphasizes the subjective experiences of social workers in intervening with persons with disabilities. In selecting research subjects, the authors used the observation method by making direct observations of research objects at the Cirebon District Social Service. The interview method uses question and answer to obtain objective information. Researchers interviewed the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division, the Head of the Section for Persons with Disabilities, 5 (five) Social Workers, 2 (two) blind people and 2 (two) disabled people affected by Covid 19. As well as using the documentation method, namely the data obtained is presented through visual images carried out during the research. Based on the findings of this study, several conclusions can be drawn: First: Handling of disabilities is carried out well by the Government which continues to pay attention to the needs of disabilities despite budget cuts, limited accessibility assistance and social assistance. Second: Social workers look at identifying internal strengths possessed by persons with disabilities during a pandemic, namely self-resilience and level of spirituality, building hope by increasing the self-confidence of persons with disabilities, empathetic relationships and paying attention to the needs of persons with disabilities. In addition, capacity building is carried out by social workers in order to increase the strength of persons with disabilities. Third: Social Workers also see that the identification of external strengths possessed by persons with disabilities is inseparable from the role of the family, social environment and the Government in supporting persons with disabilities during the Covid 19 pandemic. %K Intervensi Berbasis Kekuatan, Pandemi Covid 19, Penyandang Disabilitas %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56179