%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Nanda Milenia Saifuddin, NIM.: 18106060049 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2022 %F digilib:56195 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K information system; inventory; PHP; MySQL; waterfall model. %P 97 %T PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI INVENTORY BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS: TOKO BANGUNAN RAMAI) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/56195/ %X Toko Bangunan Ramai (TB Ramai) is a trading business engaged in the material sector. TB crowded has been established since 1997 and is located in a small town at the eastern end of Central Java Province. TB Ramai provides various kinds of goods such as wood, cement, nails, iron, and other building needs. Problems that occur there. Crowded is the recording of stock items that are not regular and still use the manual method which makes it difficult for the owner to monitor the stock of goods. The design of a web-based inventory information system is carried out in order to help the existing problems. The inventory information system is built using the waterfall model which starts from a needs analysis, namely by direct observation and seeing the situation in the field, then designing the system by making a prototype or web description that will be built, writing program code or coding, testing programs with blackbox testing. This is done to ensure the web can run well, and the last is the implementation and maintenance of the system. The system is built using the PHP programming language and uses a MySQL database. The system has three user experiences or three accounts with different functions, the three accounts are the admin account, the cashier's account, and the owner's account, so that it can make it easier for each user to carry out their duties. The system that has been created can help with existing problems, incoming and outgoing goods are recorded automatically so that stock data is recorded neatly. %Z Pembimbing: Ir. Arya Wirabhuana, S.T. M.Sc, IPM, ASEAN Eng