%A NIM.: 20200012070 Nadiah Sifa Daulay %O Pembimbing: Dr.Labibah, MLIS %T AKSESIBILITAS INFORMASI PADA LAYANAN E-RESOURCES YANG DILANGGAN PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA DALAM MEMENUHI KEBUTUHAN INFORMASI MAHASISWA MAGISTER UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %X The e-resources service is one of the services provided by the library to help meet the information and reference needs of users in making scientific papers and other academic assignments. Libraries also provide information services that help users to access e-resources services. So the purpose of this research is to find out how the accessibility of information on e-resources services, especially those subscribed to by the UIN Sunan Kalijaga library in meeting the information needs of master students, by looking at how the accessibility of information on eresources services is seen from 8 (eight) indicators of information accessibility , library efforts to increase the use of e-resources services and the information needs of students in e-resources services. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research data collection technique was carried out by means of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. This study uses data analysis using 3 (three) stages, namely, data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results in this study, namely, the accessibility of information on eresources services subscribed to by libraries can be seen from the 8 (eight) indicators as follows, namely, ease of access, ease of using the system, relevant, localibility, up to date, reliability, information found quickly and availability information. In general, the accessibility of information can be said to be quite easy. Libraries also provide information services in providing information in using e-resources such as user education, reference consulting services either directly or through whatsapp contacts, information via social media and eresources clinics on library holidays such as library visit days. %K Aksesibilitas Informasi, Layanan E-resources, Kebutuhan Informasi, Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56220