%A NIM.: 20200012082 Nurdiansyah, S.S.I. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ita Rodiah, M.Hum %T PRESERVASI NASKAH AKSARA ULU: STUDI KOMPARATIF PADA DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN PROVINSI, KOTA, MUSEUM NEGERI BENGKULU DAN PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL RI %X Manuscripts are important archives whose contents are maintained, namely by means of maintenance or commonly known as preservation. The manuscript under discussion is named Aksara Ulu. This preservation is needed as an effort to maintain historical values, a maintenance strategy or preservation is needed as a periodic and structured maintenance effort. The research was conducted at the provincial and city libraries, the Bengkulu Regional Museum and of course the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia in preserving the Ulu script collection they owned. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methods. Research data collection techniques through observation in four places, interviews were conducted with 8 informants involved in the process of preservation and documentation of informants, namely librarians or officers involved in the treatment and data analysis using field notes and sound recordings and photos. The results obtained from this study indicate that the preservation activities carried out by the Provincial Library Service, the city and the Bengkulu Museum are still carried out in a conventional way and then there are obstacles experienced, namely collecting collections, tools in preservation, human resources and finally the budget while at the National Library of Indonesia Preservation activities are carried out in physical form and information or media transfer, while the obstacles experienced are if the collection is damaged and difficult to read, then the transliteration process is still slow in unbalanced collections. %K Preservasi, Naskah Aksara Ulu, Manuskrip %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56229