%0 Journal Article %@ 2443-0757 %A Mukhamad Yazid Afandi, - %D 2006 %F digilib:56233 %I Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum %J Asy-Syir'ah Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum %K Ekonomi Islam, Islamic Economic, Theological Ethical, Factual Historical %N 1 %P 21-44 %T Geneologi Konsep Ekonomi Islam %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/56233/ %V 40 %X The Prophet Muhammad's herois1JJ is not debatable issue. People believe that he is person who made revolted movements to build a better 1vorld. The Arab world, which s11fered from social deviation and moral degradation before Muhammad become a prophet, was able to be changed into a civilized society that put moral standard as their basic civilization. As a matter of a fact., the s11ccesfulness of Muhammad is not on!J acknowleged by mouslem themselves but also the other secttfer scholars.- Muhammad successfulness, for Mouslem, is not mere!J an evidence of his humanism abiliry, but it is perceived as ''God's scenario" for human beeing to reach out the ideal society. 'The hand's of God" involved in Muhammad's accomplishment inĀ· dealing 1Jlith and improving diverse social deviations. Allah guided, directed, and engaged in enabling Muhammad SAW, whzle he was dealing with varied issuu through the Koran massages. The kind of acknowlegment and belief inspired Mouslem economists to formulate and construct"an economic theory that is proper to be in line 0,-sided with other economic theories -conventional economic theories