%A NIM.: 17106020029 Ratri Ismawati %O Pembimbing: Frida Agung Rakhmadi, S.Si., M.Sc %T VALIDASI PENERAPAN SISTEM DETEKSI KEKERUHAN AIR MINUM BERBASIS LED, FOTODIODE, MIKROKONTROLER NODEMCU, DAN APLIKASI BLYNK SEBAGAI METODE UJI KEKERUHAN AIR SUMUR %X This research is motivated by previous studies that have not implemented a drinking water turbidity detection system based on LEDs, photodiodes, the NodeMCU microcontroller and the blynk application made by Setiyaningsih (2020) as a method for testing well water turbidity. This study aims to implement a drinking water turbidity detection system based on LED, photodiode, NodeMCU microcontroller and blynk application and validate this application. This research was conducted by taking well water samples, testing the turbidity of well water using a drinking water turbidity detection system, and data processing. Well water samples were taken from residents' houses in the Jetis hamlet, Trimurti village, Srandakan sub-district, Bantul district. Testing of the detection system is carried out by comparison with the turbidimeter method. Processing is done to obtain accuracy and precision repeatability information. The results showed that the detection system was successfully implemented and validated which indicated that the drinking water turbidity detection system was not good enough to be used as a drinking water turbidity detector. The validation results have an average accuracy value of 71.62% and an average repeatability precision value of 80.92%. From these results, the results of the average value of accuracy and the average value of repeatability precision do not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) of 95% and International standards (SI) of 98%. %K Air Minum, Air Sumur, Sistem Deteksi, Turbid %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56265