relation: title: TAQDIM DAN TAKHIR DALAM AL-QURAN (PENDEKATAN QAWAID AL-LUGHAH AL-ARABIYAH) creator: ABD. KARIM HAFID, subject: Al Jamiah Jurnal description: bThe are may secrets and wonders in the precendence and posponement in holy Quran; previewed from both linguistic structure and grammatical point of view. One of these secrets may lay in the utilizing a single word for different linguistic purposes in different parts of the speech in which a speaker may have certain different meanings. The following article is trying to show these short of presedence and postponement, categorizing them into two kinds: 1. Precedence and postponement as previewed in a linguistic point of view, considering the use of words in phrases or verses depending on standard grammars stated by the linguistist. 2. Presedence and postponement as previewed in the terminologist point of view, considering the arrangement in mentioning terminologies in the hply Quran. The first type discusses the priciple of faith and literature that has the purpose of precedence and postponement for specialization as it leads to the principle of unity of almighty God. The research involves the presedence and postponement which is found (from linguistic point of view) in the holy verses of Quran, such as, preceding the reference on the reference to or vice versa. The precedence and postponement have an influence (on the terminology point of view) on understanding of the holy Quran, especially for worshipping and lows. In worshipping, the precedence and posponement, may concern the arrangement of certain deeds like performing the ablutions (wudlu) before praying than praying. or laws or rules, the precede the males name before the females, and also, preceding the more than the less; such as preceding the man thief on the woman thief, for many those could be mann, and preceding woman on man in adultery. publisher: Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta date: 2008-07-16 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: ABD. KARIM HAFID, (2008) TAQDIM DAN TAKHIR DALAM AL-QURAN (PENDEKATAN QAWAID AL-LUGHAH AL-ARABIYAH). /Jurnal/Al-Jamiah/Al-Jamiah Vol. 39 No. 1 January - June 2001/.