%A NIM.: 17103070006 Syafriantoni %O Pembimbing: Drs. M. Rizal Qosim M. Si %T TENAGA KERJA DI BAWAH UMUR PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DAN UU NO.13 TAHUN 2003 TENTANG KETENAGAKERJAAN %X Indonesia is a democratic country that has rules to regulate and protect people. Regulations in Indonesia are based on the State Law of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the regulations is the regulation on the employment of minors which is regulated in Law No.13 of 2003. In addition, in Islam, children are also mentiones as point that must be well maintained, however, unfortunately in Indonesia, there are still many companies, society, and even families who are not aware of the importance of the child‟s future. So that not a few of them are hiring chidren under the pertext of improving the economy and other reasons. The analyze the situation of undergrade workers in Indonesia and the view of Islamic law and Law No.13 of 2003. In Islam, it is known Mashlahah, which means seeking good in order to achieve well being in life. Law No.13 of 2003 is a form of Mashlahah in Indonesia, as this law was created to minimize the number of undergrade workers. This research activity uses the library research method, it collects data bby searching various literature from various sorces, such as books, journals, articels, documents and news. From the results of this study, data were obtained that in 2020 children were aged 10-17 years old there are 3,36 million children working. This peaked due to the weakening of the community economy caused by the Covid-19 virus. Children who work underage have a negative impact on both psychological an psychosocial growth, for example, getting into flights, smoking, not even a few of them taking drugs. In reducing undergrade workers and realizing Law No.13 of 2003, the Indonesian government had a number of programs, namely PKH (Hope Family Program), which requires 12 years of study by being given assistance known as BOS (School Operation Assistance). The government also applied a number of penalities, namely at least one year in prison and at most four years, and a fine of at least 100 million at maximum 400 million listed in article 185 paragraph 1 and article 187 paragraph 1 of the Employment Law. %K Tenaga Kerja di Bawah Umur, Perlindungan Anak, Eksploitasi Anak %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56323