%A NIM.: 17103080053 Abdul Fahmi %O Pembimbing: Drs. Syafaul Mudawam, M.A, M.M %T TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP BISNIS JASA PENGIRIMAN BARANG PADA PT JNE CABANG KOPMA UIN SUKA %X With the increasing prevalence of online buying and selling, it has had a positive impact on goods delivery service providers, including P.T Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), KOPMA UIN SUKA agent. JNE is very well known by business people. This is due to the large number of branches spread across various provinces, including JNE agents of KOPMA UIN SUKA, Regencies, Municipalities to Districts, one of which is JNE agents of KOPMA UIN SUKA. In determining the JNE tariff, the weight of the scales is per kilogram, that is, by weighing the goods to be sent and then rounding them into kilograms. So if the weight of the goods to be sent is 1.3 kg, it will be rounded up to 2 kg. The practice of rounding the scales carried out by these goods delivery service providers, especially P.T Jalur Nugaraha Ekakurir (JNE) is indicated to contain elements of al-ẓulmu الظلم ) because the sender has to pay shipping costs that do not match the weight of the goods sent. From the explanation of the problem, the author is interested in lifting it into a study entitled " Islamic Law Review of The Freight Forwarding Service Business at JNE Agents KOPMA UIN SUKA". The problem that will focus on discussing in this study is whether the system of rounding the scales on goods delivery services, especially P.T Jalur Nugaraha Ekakurir is in accordance with the principle of muamalah in Islam and how is the review of Islamic law on the practice of rounding the scales carried out by providers of freight forwarders, especially P.T Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir. The purpose of this study was to find out the system of rounding the scales on goods delivery service providers, especially P.T JNE, was in accordance with the principle of muamalah and also to find out how Islamic law reviews the practice of opening scales in goods delivery services, especially P.T Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE). The method used in this study is a qualitative method by collecting data such as interviews, literature study and observation. The results of this thesis research are that the practice of rounding the scales carried out by JNE is not in accordance with the Islamic contract, because many consumers feel aggrieved and displeased with the practice. And consumers feel oppressed by this practice. %K JNE, Hukum Islam, Jasa Pengiriman %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56331