%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Imam Solihin, NIM.: 18103080032 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2022 %F digilib:56374 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Maslahah Mursalah, Permenhub Nomor Pm 45 Tahun 2020, Skuter Listrik %P 114 %T PROBLEMATIKA PERATURAN MENTRI PERHUBUNGAN NOMOR PM 45 TAHUN 2020 TENTANG KENDARAAN TERTENTU DENGGAN MENGUNAKAN PENGGERAK MOTOR LISTRIK (STUDI KASUS TRANSPORTASI SKUTER LISTRIK DI ALUN-ALUN KIDUL YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/56374/ %X The electric scooter at the Kidul Square, Yogyakarta, has become a new destination or means of transportation for tourist connoisseurs who visit and go around the Kidul Square, especially on the streets around the Kidul Square itself, an area that is densely packed with pedestrians plus various facilities, especially electric scooters in it. making the South Square area frequent traffic jams and even accidents. This is due to various factors, mainly due to the negligence of the renter, other transportation or the lessee of the vehicle itself. The Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number Pm 45 of 2020 itself is very important for the use of scooters, these rules are not widely known by scooter users and services even though these regulations are an operational benchmark for electric scooter users, and the impact arising from these scooters, this research refers to formulation of the problem related to the implementation of the scooter rule in the South Square of Yogyakarta and the impact of the benefits that the vehicle causes. This research was conducted to answer the above problems related to the problematic regulations of the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number Pm 45 of 2020 with conditions in the Alun-alun Kidul field in Yogyakarta with empirical normative research, where the approach is based on the main legal material by examining legal concept theories and regulations. related to this research. Data collection itself uses primary and secondary sources, data collection methods using observation techniques, interviews and documentation, besides that in this study using the theory of legal effectiveness, the system of law enforcement, and the theory of Islamic law maslahah mursalah in completing research. The results of the study show that the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number Pm 45 of 2020 which was made has not been fully realized for electric scooter users, many do not understand that there are rules related to electric scooter modes of transportation, even though the existing rules should be applied, so in this case the role of the Yogyakarta city transportation service (dishub) is to coordinate, direct and create special facilities for electric scooters so that these regulations become a reality. The existence of scooters in the South Square has many benefits (maslahah), including reducing the use of fuel oil, pollution and developing the community's economy. However, if an electric scooter is used without the rules, it will cause problems (mafsadat), so the rules that have been made, in this case the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number pm 45 of 2020, are applied to the use of electric scooters so that it becomes a problem and does not cause problems. %Z Pembimbing: A Hashfi luthfi, M.H.