%A NIM.: 20203012004 Muhammad Miftah Irfan, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Susiknan Azhari %T PENGGUNAAN BITCOIN SEBAGAI MAHAR PERSPEKTIF TOKOH AHMADIYAH YOGYAKARTA %X human life. Starting from the economic, social, cultural, to religious sectors now depend on technology. One example of an aspect of human life that is now starting to be affected by digitalization is marriage. The widespread use of digital dowry is now starting to become a trend. One of the digital dowries currently in the spotlight is Bitcoin. This research examines the opinion of Indonesian Ahmadiyya Movement figures in viewing the law on the use of Bitcoin as dowry. This study aims to map the thoughts of each character in solving the problem of using Bitcoin as dowry. This research is descriptive in nature. Descriptive research is research that aims to describe an existing phenomenon. Data collection methods used are interviews and literature study. The approach in this research is normative-empirical. The normative approach is an approach that originates from legal concepts, legal theory, and laws. Meanwhile, the empirical approach is an approach where the main source (the community) is collected through interviews. The theoretical basis used by the author in analyzing this research is the History of the Development of Fiqh and U}ul Fiqh Thought, theory Sad az|-Z|ari>ah. In this study, the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Movement provided five sources. From the five informants, five answers emerged with details: three informants forbid, one allow, and one enable. The results of the analysis show that for groups that forbid and make makruh, show a tendency to use the Sad az|-Z|ari>ah in their legal reasoning. In addition, they also examine the problem of using Bitcoin as a dowry from a more textual perspective. Meanwhile, the group that allows, looks more from a contextual perspective by rejecting the possibility of damage arising from the use of Bitcoin as dowry. %K Bitcoin-Cyrptocurrency, Mahar, Ahmadiyah, Mata Uang Digital %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56426