%A NIM.: 19105051004 Mohammad Azharin Nurul Khoiri %O Pembimbing: Drs. Indal Abror, M.Ag. %T PEMBACAAN TEORI MAKKI-MADANI DALAM HADIS-HADIS JIHAD (STUDI KITAB SAHIH AL-BUKHARI DAN SAHIH MUSLIM) %X This research was conducted to explore the differences in the meaning of jihad in the Mecca and Medina phases through the hadiths contained in the books of S{ah{i>h{ al-Bukha>ri and S{ah {i>h{ Muslim. This was done to see in more detail the meaning of jihad as well as to criticize it the concept of jihad, which so far has only been interpreted by fighting. This research is done by implementing the Makki-Madani Hadith theory, namely identifying and interpreting the hadiths of jihad in both phases. The existence of this research at the same time for see the relevance of the Makki-Madani Theory when it is implemented in hadith studies, as well see the meaning of jihad in a contemporary lens. In this study, it is known that the term jihad is only mentioned explicitly in al-Madani Hadith. While it was never mentioned in al-Makki hadiths. The meaning of jihad in the Makkah phase includes preaching and defending faith, namely with patience and optimism. While in the Medina phase, jihad became a concept of fi> sabi>lilla>h war for preaching, namely as the main practice, both from side and benefit. However, the Prophet also gave limitations and examples of how to do the right payment, good with patience, respect parents, do not kill women, children, infidel zimmi and infidel mu'ahad. So, jihad preaching by way of war is actually a last resort, which is only carried out against unbelievers who are hostile to and fighting against Islam. Therefore, is a critic of jihad that is echoed by radical terrorist groups, which fight and kill every infidel and/or do not support the movement, they are far different from what was conceptualized by the Prophet through his hadith. The implications of implementing the Makki-Madani theory in jihadist traditions are as glasses in seeing the difference in meaning between the two phases, as well as for see how the context includes the two phases. So that will bring up appropriate legal context based on the similarity of the context between Mecca and Medina with the current context. So that the laws contained in the hadith can be well manifested in the life of Muslims. Meanwhile, proper Jihad understood is a way to preach Islam as a form of upholding peace, jihad war only occurs when there is a real threat and attack carried out by groups who intend to destroy Islam. %K Jihad, Makki-Madani, Hadis Jihad %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56592