%A NIM.: 20205012017 Syafrinal Randa, S.Ag %O Pembimbing: Dr. Fahruddin Faiz, S.Ag., M.Ag. %T MEMAHAMI GAGASAN DEKONSTRUKSI PEMIKIRAN TURATAS ISLAM MUHAMMAD ARKOUN %X The thesis entitled "Understanding the Idea of Deconstruction of Islamic Turats Thought of Muhammad Arkoun" is a study that the author conducted to see the progressive ideas of Islamic thought carried out by Muhammad Arkoun. Islamic thought has so far been far from a cittic attitude, discussing only theology, Sufism and fiqh. This condition is also caused by the use of narrow methods and epistemes in Islamic thought. Seeing this according to Muhammad Arkoun, Islamic thought must look back critically at Islamic turats. The problem is, what is the offer of a re-reading of the Islamic turats carried by Muhammad Arkoun? And, what effect does the process of dismantling those readings have? This research is included in the type of library research with a philosophical approach. As an effort to understand and explain the formal object of a study. As a critical review of various humanitarian issues. The philosophical approach is used to assist the author in understanding the meaning and nature of the deconstructive ideas of Islamic turats thought of Mohammed Arkoun. Through a philosophical approach, this research shows that Islamic thought, according to Muhammad Arkoun, has been confined to logocentrism. Muhammad Arkoun asserted that Islamic thought has emerged from the state of reality. By combining various epistemological and methodological approaches in rereading turats will reshape Islamic thought. The concrete facts or concepts of re-reading of the Islamic turats carried by Arkoun are as follows; first, to read all the activities of Islamic turats thought in epistemology and methodology. second, re-reading as a form of dismantling the attitudes of islamic thinkers. %K Muhammad Arkoun, Dekonstruksi, Turats, Pemikiran Islam %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56608