%A NIM.: 20202012009 Arinil Haq %O Pembimbing: Dr. Pajar Hatma Indra Jaya, M.Si %T CERAMAH RADIKAL DAN MODERAT : ANALISIS TERHADAP WACANA DAKWAH USTADZ ABDUL SOMAD DI YOUTUBE USTADZ ABDUL SOMAD OFFICIAL %X The rapid development of technology has made da'wah which was originally carried out conventionally, now turn to digital proselytizing. Ustadz Abdul Somad as a contemporary preacher uses YouTube to expand his da'wah messages, by releasing the official Ustadz Abdul Somad Official channel on June 25, 2019. It's just that in the course of his da'wah, it was not uncommon for Ustadz Abdul Somad to stumble upon controversial issues, such as being suspected of being a radical preacher. Based on this reality, the question arises whether Ustadz Abdul Somad is indeed a radical preacher. or moderate? Based on this question, the researcher is interested in conducting an in-depth study of UAS preaching discourse on Ustadz Abdul Somad's official YouTube channel. As the official channel managed by UAS in preaching on YouTube. The method used in this study is the van Dijk model of discourse analysis to see the discourse contained in the eight video lectures of Ustadz Abdul Somad on the official YouTube channel. Then, from the emerging discourse, a conclusion will be drawn about whether the UAS lecture contains radicals or moderates in terms of the radical and moderate indicators released by the Ministry of Religion and BNPT. The results of the study show that of the eight videos analyzed, it is known that they contain discourse that leads to moderates, such as: (1) UAS says "NKRI is fixed price, Pancasila is the basis of the state, finish" (2) UAS invites people to promote tolerance towards non-Muslims. , and to fellow Muslims. (3) UAS said that the best manners to admonish a leader is to follow the rules in a democratic country, namely through parliament and peaceful demonstrations, not anarchists. (4) UAS said that Indonesia's local cultural wisdom is not something heresy, because it does not damage faith. So from the discourse that emerged, the authors concluded that in the lecture video on the official YouTube, UAS has views that lead to moderate or not radical. Of course, this can also be used as a basis and comparison if there are snippets of UAS lecture videos that are spread on social media without a clear source, that actually on YouTube official, UAS has a moderate view. However, this conclusion is limited to YouTube channels that are officially managed by UAS. Because the production of lectures on the channel is more controlled and managed. So that the authors are also aware of the limitations of this study which cannot see the real results. %K Komunikasi Dakwah, Radikal, Moderat, Analisis Wacana, Media Youtube %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56651